What have you heard about cavities? Have you heard that tooth decay and cavities are related? You probably also know that there are a number of things you should do to prevent cavities, such as brushing and flossing regularly. You also know that you should visit your dentist to examine the health of your teeth and that having a filling... read more »
Do you ever wonder what you can do about a chipped or a cracked tooth? You probably know that you should have either of these issues addressed, but do you know why you should? Similarly, do you know what you might be able to do if you need relief while you’re waiting to visit our dentist? Luckily, there are a... read more »
Can you name every type of tooth in your mouth? Do you know how many of each tooth you have or what your teeth do? Generally, every mouth has four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Children typically have twenty primary teeth while adults usually have thirty-two. As you probably know, each type of tooth serves different functions.... read more »
Did you know that if your tooth dies, your dentist will most likely have to remove it? Sadly, your teeth can die for a number of reasons, including trauma, decay, or infection. Luckily, there are many things a dentist can do to protect your teeth, including root canal therapy. However, we understand that many patients would simply prefer to have... read more »