In order to ensure your smile has the best chance of oral health care success, always maintain it by cleaning it properly, eating a healthy diet, and receiving the necessary tooth restorations as they arise. Every once in awhile, teeth can be damaged, specifically due to surface damage. If your teeth suffer any surface damage including chips or cracks, it's... read more »
Sometimes an athletic accident or a household fall can cause a blow to the face that also contacts one of your teeth. The pain from the soft tissues damage might conceal any trauma caused to the root of the tooth. This can be further confounding if the tooth’s enamel layer wasn’t overtly traumatized. In some of these instances the immediate... read more »
Poor oral hygiene practices can allow residual plaque, food particles, and sugar residue to harden into bacteria-rich tartar near the gumline. As this continues to occur your chances of suffering from gum disease can increase significantly. This typically starts out as the gum inflammation of gingivitis. This can cause your gums to appear red or inflamed gums, and they might... read more »
It’s not uncommon when playing sports to chip, or break a tooth. Sometimes, things happen in day-to-day life that can cause damage to your teeth. You may suffer a blow to the mouth, take a fall, or have an injury that forces your lower jaw into your upper teeth. You might bite down too hard on something, or the tooth... read more »
What can CEREC® technology do for your smile? If you are looking to improve your oral health by covering and concealing your damaged teeth without the need to have them extracted and replaced, CEREC dental crowns can work to improve the function of your smile and its complete aesthetics. Listed below are a few frequently asked questions about CEREC same-day... read more »
The American Dental Association is passionate and dedicated to helping people to maintain good oral health in the long term. To that end, they offer a series of recommendations and guidelines. This starts with an effective and consistent daily oral hygiene routine, founded on brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing once daily. Another important recommendation calls for having... read more »
The Invisalign® orthodontic aligner system can save your smile! With Invisalign, the straight smile you’ve always dreamed of is possible. Why continue to suffer from crooked teeth and low self-esteem when an orthodontic aligner can repair your smile by making it beautiful, cleaner, and more functional. Don’t let misalignments hold you back from your dreams any longer. Restore your shine... read more »