The Value of Dental Sealants

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It’s not uncommon for the biting surface of the molars in the back of the mouth to have pits or deep contours. These deep contours evolved to help us grind and chew hard foods. In some cases, a person might have exceptionally deep contours on the biting surfaces of multiple teeth. The deeper a pit is the harder it is to clean with a toothbrush. When food particles and plaque get stuck in these places, it can easily lead to tooth decay.

Often times your dentist might recommend dental sealants for you or your child to help prevent tooth decay that might require large fillings. This is especially helpful for children with all of their permanent molars. If you or your child has had issues with cleaning these surfaces you will want to take a proactive approach to preserving their molars with dental sealants.

Sealants are inexpensive. Your dentist will simply paints a plastic-resin based compound the biting surface of the back teeth in a single short appointment. When dried this resin creates a thin layer that protects the contours of the biting surface from food deposits and plaque. With proper care they will be very durable and last for several years.

Make sure your child understands that the sealants are only on the biting surface of the teeth and that regular brushing and flossing is essential for maintain the rest of the molars!

If you have any questions about dental sealants for yourself or your child, please call us at 248-628-2540 to schedule an appointment.


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