You may be at a risk for tooth decay if your smile suffers from dental erosion or you have small holes in teeth, especially if your oral hygiene routine is not what it should be. We offer some recommendations for improving your dental hygiene routine and healthy habits so that you can stop cavities from occurring. Cavities can occur at... read more »
Everyone experiences bad breath now and then, but if it’s a constant factor in your life, you may need to see the dentist for a diagnosis and treatment. In the meantime, you can use the following home remedies for bad breath to improve the state of your smile: - Brush and floss your teeth: When you have inconsistent oral hygiene... read more »
You want to have the brightest, strongest smile possible, so you always do your best to stay on top of your oral hygiene. You brush and floss and come in for regular cleanings. But you should know there are normal beverages you might drink every day that are working against you. Here are a few. Coffee - It is commonly... read more »
Is your toothpaste not working for you? Not sure what to look for in a toothpaste? Well today is your lucky day. Our team is going to give you all the information you need to know about your toothpaste and why it’s important to find one that works for you and your teeth. Dentifrice, what we know as toothpaste, is... read more »